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Content Structure

Welcome to the Content Structure documentation.

Here you can find all needed technical descriptions about content types can be used by YMCA Website Services site builders. The YMCA Website Services core team decided to finalize and stick to specifictions of fields, created naming conventions aimed to help developers to maintain and upgrade their sites alongside YMCA Website Services development timeline.

1 - Blocks

1.1 - Basic

A simple block with a description.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Contentfield_block_contentYesWYSIWYG field without summary.

1.2 - Block Menu

Implements custom block type with a links.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Menu Linksfield_menu_block_linksYesThe Menu Links.
Colorfield_menu_block_colorYesSelect colors for menu block background gradient.
Text colorfield_menu_block_text_colorYesSelect text color of the menu block.

1.3 - Branch Amenities

A block with amenities list of the current branch.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Branch amenitiesfield_branch_amYesUses only Custom Formatter to display a list of amenities within Paragraph block.
Linkfield_sb_linkNoLink to display at the bottom of the block.
Titlefield_sb_titleNoTitle to display at top of block.
Icon classfield_icon_classNoProvide a “Font Awesome” icon name, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image icon.

1.4 - Custom Simple

A simple block with a body.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Iconfield_iconNoIcon for block.
Icon classfield_icon_classNoProvide a “Font Awesome” icon name, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image icon.
Bodyfield_sb_bodyNoEnter body text.
Linkfield_sb_linkNoAdd link to the block.
Titlefield_sb_titleNoTitle to display at top of block.

1.5 - Flexible

A block with amenities list of the current branch.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Node referencefield_node_refYesProvide reference to Node.

2 - Content Types

Welcome to the YMCA Website Services Content Types documentation

In terms of YMCA Website Services - content types are bundles of node entity of the Drupal Framework. You can find a much more low level documentation at

YMCA Website Services has a bunch of content types shipped for the convenience of usage the resulting site. We are not limiting amount of content types, could be added by developers, so the list is not final. The only rule we are trying to follow is to cover shipped list of content types by YMCA Website Services upgrade path.

2.1 - Activity

Activity content type is used for adding Activities on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the activity item.
Program Subcategoryfield_activity_categoryYesA reference field for selecting the program subcategory.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_activity_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_activity_category:entity:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:field_activity_category:entity:title]/[node:title]

2.2 - Alert

Alert content type is used for adding alerts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the activity item.
Background colorfield_alert_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Text colorfield_alert_text_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Icon colorfield_alert_icon_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary. Description for field: “Leave empty to hide icon.”
Placementfield_alert_placeYesSelect list field (singular) for choosing place:
  • Header
  • Footer
Descriptionfield_alert_descriptionYesTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Linkfield_alert_linkNoInternal or external link.
Referencefield_alert_belongsNoEntity reference with autocomplete to any node. Description for field: “Reference to node (branch, camp, landing page and etc.), where local alert will be displayed.”

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /alert/[node:title].

2.3 - Article

Article content type is used for adding blog posts, news items, and press releases on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the article item.
Sub-titledefault??NoSub-title of the article item
Locationsfield_article_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_article_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Blog Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Typefield_article_typeYesSelect list field with multiple options for choosing article type:
  • News Item (default)
  • Blog Post
  • Press Release
Imagefield_article_imageNoImage field for the Blog item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
BodybodyNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoFilter list of available layout builder components
Related Contentfield_article_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Article nodes. Multiple Values.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /blog/[node:title] /news/[node:title] /press-release/[node:title]

2.4 - Blog

Blog Post content type is used for adding blog posts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the blog item.
Locationsfield_blog_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_blog_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Blog Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
StylesField group
Stylefield_blog_styleYesSelect list field with multiple options for choosing style:
  • Story Card
  • Photo Card
  • News Card (default)
  • Color Card
Background colorfield_blog_colorNoteaser background color (used when Color Card style is selected.)
Text colorfield_blog_text_colorNoteaser text color (used when Color Card style is selected.)
Content AreaField group
Imagefield_blog_imageNoImage field for the Blog item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
Descriptionfield_blog_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Related contentfield_blog_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Blog nodes. Multiple Values.
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /blog/[node:title]

2.5 - Branch

Branch content type is used for adding Branches on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the branch item.
Neighborhoodfield_location_areaNoA taxonomy reference field using the “Area” vocabulary.
Coming Soonfield_location_stateNoA checkbox field to determine branches in development.
Temporary URLfield_location_temp_urlNoA link field to provide a temporary page URL (a blog post, or something else) if the branch is coming soon.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressYesAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Branch Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Branch HoursField group
Branch Hoursfield_branch_hoursParagraphParagraph to indicate the branch hours.
Day of the weekfield_branch_hours_dayNoSelect list with following values:
  • sunday|Sunday
  • monday|Monday
  • tuesday|Tuesday
  • wednesday|Wednesday
  • thursday|Thursday
  • friday|Friday
  • saturday|Saturday
Start/End Timefield_branch_hours_timeNoTextfield with description “e.g. 9am - 5pm, closed.”
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /locations/[node:title]

2.6 - Camp

Camp content type is used for adding Camps on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the camp item.
Menu linksfield_camp_menu_linksYesLink field with multiple values, that should have the Title and Link field. Based on it, we will complete the Camp Menu.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressYesAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Camp Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /camps/[node:title]

2.7 - Class

Class content type is used for adding Classes on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the class item.
Activityfield_class_activityNoA reference field for selecting the class.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_class_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_class_activity:entity:field_activity_category:entity:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:field_class_activity:entity:field_activity_category:entity:title]/[node:title]/class-times

2.8 - Event

Event content type is used for adding events on the site.


LabelMachine NameRequiredDescriptionField SettingsNotes
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the event item.
Sub-titledefault??NoSub-title of the event item.plain text
Locationsfield_event_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.Address for event; can be either a branch or non-branch location.
Categoryfield_event_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “Event Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Imagefield_event_imageNoImage field for the Event item. Entity reference to Media
Datefield_event_dateYesThis will use Drupal date/time fields.
Add to Calendarfield_add_to_calendar_linkNolink
BodybodyNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoFilter list of available layout builder components
Related Contentfield_event_relatedNoReference field for choosing related Event nodes. Multiple Values.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /event/[node:title]

2.9 - Facility

Facility content type is used for adding facilities on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the facility item.
Neighborhoodfield_location_areaNoA taxonomy reference field using the Area Vocabulary(area).
Typefield_facility_typeNoA taxonomy reference field using the “Facility Type” vocabulary.
Facility Branchfield_facility_locNoA entity reference field to reference the related Branch node.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
ContactField group
Addressfield_location_addressNoAn address field that will provide the ability to add details about the locations. Details to be completed:
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
Facility Coordinatesfield_location_coordinatesNoInput for providing the latitude and longitude information.
Phonefield_location_phoneYesInput for providing the phone information.
Faxfield_location_faxNoInput for providing the fax information.
Emailfield_location_emailNoInput for providing the email information.
Directionsfield_location_directionsNoA link field for adding the directions link.
Facility Hoursfield_branch_hoursNoThe facility hours
Facility Holiday Hoursfield_branch_holiday_hoursNoAny special holiday hours for the facility.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /facility/[node:title]

2.10 - Landing Page

Landing Page content type is used for adding landing pages on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the landing page item.
Layoutfield_lp_layoutYesSelect list with the options:
  • one_column_clean|One Column - Full width
  • one_column|One Column
  • two_column|Two Columns
  • two_column_fixed|Two Columns with fixed sidebar (sticky at the top)
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: [node:title]

2.11 - Landing Page (Layout Builder)

Landing Page content type is used to add Landing Pages to your website using Layout Builder widgets.

This page is managed with Layout Builder. You may want to uncheck “Publish Content” before creating a page, use the “Layout” tab to build the content, then Publish when the page is complete. See our User Guide for help.


LabelMachine NameRequiredDescriptionField SettingsNotes
TitletitleyesTitle of Landing Page
MetadataField group
Meta descriptionfield_meta_descriptionnoShort text used for metatags and cardsText (plain, long)
Meta imagefield_meta_imagenoMedia image reference for use in metatags and cardsEntity reference (Media image)
Meta tagsfield_meta_tagsnoProvided by Metatag module

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: [node:title]

2.12 - Membership

Membership content type is used for adding membership on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the membership item.
Descriptionfield_mbrshp_descriptionYesTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Imagefield_mbrshp_imageYesMedia field to upload the image.
Membership infofield_mbrshp_infoParagraphParagraph to indicate the location where the membership is available and the URL.
Locationfield_mbrshp_locationNoSelect list with locations (branches). Single value.
Linkfield_mbrshp_linkNoLink field to provide the membership redirect URL.
Join Feefield_mbrshp_join_feeNoDollar value for how much someone has to pay to join.
Monthly Ratefield_mbrshp_monthly_rateNoDollar value for the monthly fee of the membership.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /membership/[node:title]

2.13 - News

News Post content type is used for adding news posts on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the news item.
Locationsfield_news_locationYesReference field to branch and camp nodes. Multiple Values.
Categoryfield_news_categoryNoReference field for choosing the term from “News Category” vocabulary. Multiple Values.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Content AreaField group
Imagefield_news_imageNoImage field for the News item. Entity reference to Media bundle.
Descriptionfield_news_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Related contentfield_news_relatedNoReference field for choosing related News nodes. Multiple Values.
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /news/[node:title]

2.14 - Program

Program content type is used for adding Programs on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program item.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Iconfield_program_iconNoA image field, supporting .svg for uploading the program icon.
Imagefield_program_imageNoA image field, for uploading the program image.
Colorfield_program_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types. If this field is not empty, then the image and icon are not displayed on the page.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_program_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:title]

2.15 - Program Subcategory

Program Subcategory content type is used for adding program subcategories on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program subcategory item.
Programfield_category_programYesA reference field for selecting the program.
Meta Tagsfield_meta_tagsNoA meta tags field allows us to provide structured metadata and Graph meta tags for Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and other social networking sites.
Header AreaField group
Imagefield_category_imageNoA image field, for uploading the category image.
Colorfield_category_colorNoReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Contentfield_header_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Content AreaField group
Descriptionfield_category_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Contentfield_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Sidebar AreaField group
Contentfield_sidebar_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.
Bottom AreaField group
Contentfield_bottom_contentNoA paragraph embed field that will allow us to add various flexible content modules, from the predefined list of paragraph types.

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /programs/[node:field_category_program:entity:title]/[node:title]

2.16 - Session

Session content type is used for adding Sessions on the site.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the session item.
Classfield_session_classYesA reference field for selecting the program subcategory.
Session InfoField group--
Descriptionfield_session_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Genderfield_session_genderNoSelect List with Gender options: Coed, Male, Female.
Online registrationfield_session_onlineNoBoolean field that determines if the Register Now button/link gets displayed.
Ticket requiredfield_session_ticketNoCheckbox field to indicate that there is a ticket required.
Min Agefield_session_min_ageNoInput field for adding the min age.
Max Agefield_session_max_ageNoInput field for adding the max age.
Registration linkfield_session_reg_linkNoA link field with the Registration link Value.
MembershipField group--
In membershipfield_session_in_mbrshNoBoolean field that helps determine if the session is included into membership package.
Member pricefield_session_mbr_priceNoInput with with the price information for members.
Non Member Pricefield_session_nmbr_priceNoInput with with the price information for members.
LocationField group--
Locationfield_session_locationYesA reference field for selecting the branch or camp.
Physical Locationfield_session_plocationNoA reference field for selecting the facility.
TimeField group--
Exclusionsfield_session_exclusionsNoA date field that identifies dates that would normally have an instance of the session but won’t. Needs to be able to have multiple exclusions. Supports multiple values. Should be handled by a single date field with ’end date’ option enabled. Its widget should be adjust to not to show period end date, but show period end time (to keep period start/end date equal).
Timefield_session_timeParagraphSession schedule.
Date & Timefield_session_time_dateNoThis will use Drupal date/time fields & should be a single date field with ’end date’ and ’end time’ option enabled.
Daysfield_session_time_daysNoCheckboxes with following values:
  • sunday|Sunday
  • monday|Monday
  • tuesday|Tuesday
  • wednesday|Wednesday
  • thursday|Thursday
  • friday|Friday
  • saturday|Saturday
Should support multiple values.

URL pattern

No URL pattern. Eventually this content type shouldn’t be available for end users.

2.17 - Social Post

Social Post content type is used for adding Social Posts on the site. Social Posts are grabbed from social networks.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titledrupal’s defaultYesTitle of the program item.
IDfield_idYesPost Id in social network. This is system field. Is used by post fetcher.
Imagefield_imageNoImage field for saving post image. Can save jpg and png formats.
Linkfield_linknoContains link to original post in social network.
Platformfield_platformnoThe name of platform where post was imported from.
Postfield_postyesText of post.
Postedfield_postednoDate when post was posted in social network

URL pattern

Content type is using following pattern: /social_post/[node:title]

3 - Layout Builder

These custom block types exist to support page building with Layout Builder.

Global Fields

These fields are reused across many of the below components.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section headingfield_section_headingText (plain)no1H2
Section subheadingfield_section_subheadingText (plain, long)no1H3


Expandable pairs of question/answer or header/section fields.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Accordion itemfield_block_itemEntity referencenounlimitedBundle: accordion_item
FAQ?field_is_faqBooleannoIf this section contains Frequently Asked Questions, check this box to output them as “structured data”…

Accordion Item

  • Machine name: accordion_item
LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_titleText (plain)yes1H4
BodybodyText (formatted, long, with summary)yes1WYSIWYG

Branch Amenities

Display of all amenities available at a branch location.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Amenity nameText (plain)Entity referenceyesunlimitedTaxonomy


Flexible card-style components that allow up to 4 cards to display across a page depending on the chosen layout.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Section linkfield_ctaLinkno1
# of columnsfield_columnsList (text)yes1
Card itemsfield_block_itemEntity referenceno4Bundle: card_item

Card Item

Machine name: card_item

The Card item block is referenced by the Cards block.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_titleText (plain)yes1H4
Imagefield_mediaEntity referenceno1
Topic tagfield_topic_tagEntity referenceno1Bundle: blog_category, news_category
Descriptionfield_bodyText (plain, long)no1

A full-width display with multiple sets of a header, description, and call to action overlaid on top of an image.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Carousel itemsfield_block_itemEntity referenceno6Bundle: carousel_item

Machine name: carousel_item

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_titleText (plain)no1H4
Imagefield_mediaEntity referenceyes1
Descriptionfield_descriptionText (formatted, long)no1


  • Machine name: ws_code_block
  • Project: ws_code_block
  • Designs: This block provides no additional presentation outside of the embedded content.

Embed unfiltered HTML code in a page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Codefield_codeText (formatted, long)yes1Text format: “Code”

Grid CTA

Sets of content with a headline, description, and link displayed in 2 to 4-item wide rows, with the option to include icons or images.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Grid CTA section linkfield_section_cta_linkLinkno1A link button to be displayed below the grid content
# of columnsfield_columnsList (text)yes1Allows 2-4 columns, defaults to 4.
Grid itemfield_block_itemEntity Referenceyes4Bundle: grid_item

Grid Item

Machine name: grid_item

The Grid Item block is referenced by the Grid CTA component.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_titleText (plain)no1H4
Descriptionfield_descriptionText (formatted, long)no1
Mediafield_mediaEntity referenceno1

Hero Banner

A full-width, almost full-height display with a header, description, and call to action overlaid on an image.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_headingText (plain)yes1H2
Descriptionfield_descriptionText (formatted, long)no1
Mediafield_mediaEntity referenceno1Bundle: Image, Local Video, Video


List of multiple partner / sponsor logos.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Partner itemsfield_partner_itemsEntity reference revisionsnounlimited?Bundle: lb_partner_item

Partner Item

Machine Name: lb_partner_item

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_item_headingText (plain)YesH4
Imagefield_item_imageEntity referenceYes


Usually paired sets of full-width page components that include media, header, description, and call to action arranged horizontally.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Headingfield_item_headingText (plain)no1H4
Descriptionfield_item_descriptionText (formatted, long)no1WYSIWYG
Linkfield_item_linkLinkno2The first will use the primary style and the second, secondary.
Imagefield_item_imageEntity referenceno1
Image positionfield_item_image_positionList (text)yes1Places the image on this side of the page in the full-width display. Image will stack above text at narrow widths.

Promo Card

A title, headline, description, and link that usually display in the right or left sidebar.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Titlefield_titleText (plain)yes1
BodybodyText (formatted, long, with summary)no1
Imagefield_imageEntity referenceno1Bundle: Image

Component for displaying related articles within a page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3

Component for displaying related events within a page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3

Simple Content

Allows users to be able to view responsive tables within a page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
BodybodyText (formatted, long, with summary)no1Allows for responsive tables to be placed in the body.

Simple Menu

A simple 1-level sidebar menu that can display in either the right or left sidebar area.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Iconfield_iconEntity referenceno1Bundle: Image


Displays simple staff member info cards with image, name, title, email

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Staff itemsfield_staff_itemsEntity reference revisionsnounlimited?Bundle: lb_staff_item

Staff Item

Machine name: lb_staff_item

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Namefield_item_nameText (plain)Yes1H4
Imagefield_item_imageEntity referenceYes1If no image uploaded, utilize default
Job titlefield_item_job_titleText (plain)Yes1
Emailfield_item_emailText (formatted, mailto)Yes1Clicking on email should open users default email client


Infographic-like display that highlights relevant statistics to users.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
# of columnsfield_columnsList (text)yes1
Section linkfield_ctaLinkno1
Statistics itemfield_block_itemEntity referencenounlimitedBundle: statistics_item

Statistics Item

Machine name: statistics_item

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Number valuefield_subtitleText (plain)yes1
Descriptionfield_descriptionText (plain)no1


Gives users the ability to switch page views by selecting tabs across the top of the page instead of having to navigate to a new page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Tab itemfield_block_itemEntity referencenounlimitedBundle: tab_item

Tab Item

Machine name: tab_item

The Tab Item block is referenced by the Tabs block.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Headingfield_headingText (plain)yes1H4
Bodyfield_descriptionText (formatted, long)no1WYSIWYG


Display of short testimonials or quotes from Y members.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Section heading(inherit)H2
Section subheading(inherit)H3
Testimonial itemsfield_testimonial_itemsEntity reference revisionsno4Bundle: lb_testimonial_item

Testimonial Item

Machine Name: lb_testimonial_item

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Namefield_item_nameText (plain)Yes1Firstname, LastnameH4
Imagefield_item_imageEntity referenceYes1If no image uploaded, utilize default
Quotefield_item_quoteText (plain)Yes1


Embed an existing webform on a page.

LabelMachine NameTypeRequiredCardinalityHelp textField SettingsNotes
Form title(inherit)
Form subtitle(inherit)

4 - Media

4.1 - WYSIWYG View Modes

Listed view modes are available for embedding in WYSIWYG editor.

View Modes

NameMachine nameDescription
Fullembedded_fullThis view mode displays media asset with full width.
Halfembedded_halfThis view mode displays media asset with half width and uses alignment.
Linkembedded_linkThis view mode displays link to media asset.

Bundles details


In “Full” and “Half” view modes image should be display in <img> tag with appropriate classes. Link - should lead to the original image with target=blank.


In “Full” and “Half” view modes should be displayed embedded video with appropriate classes. Link - should lead to the original video with target=blank.


In “Full” and “Half” view modes document should be displayed as iframe, where URL is URL to the document. Also it should have appropriate classes.

<iframe src="//" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Link - should lead to the original document with target=blank.

5 - Paragraphs

Welcome to YMCA Website Services Paragraphs.

Paragraphs are bits of content, components, from component based design ideology. In a scope of YMCA Website Services architecture paragraphs are based on Paragraphs Drupal module.

The core idea of paragraphs is to have a nice looking and behaving widget for adding predefined content blocks right in place, without referencing external entities. Keep in mind, that paragraphs are not reusable types. For having reusable type look for blocks or entities in terms of Drupal 8.

Paragraphs were created for making UX better and super convenient.

5.1 - 1 Column

This is a paragraph type that will be used for implements a paragraph with 1 column.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Line Abovefield_prfg_display_line_aboveNoDisplay a line above the column.
Columnfield_prgf_1c_columnNoEnter column body.
Paragraph Titlefield_prgf_1c_titleNoEnter title to display at the top of 1 column paragraph.
Paragraph Descriptionfield_prgf_1c_descriptionNoEnter description to display under the 1 column paragraph title.

5.2 - 2 Columns

This is a paragraph type that will be used for implements a paragraph with 2 column.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Line Abovefield_prfg_display_line_aboveNoDisplay a line above the column.
Left Columnfield_prgf_2c_leftNoEnter left column body.
Right Columnfield_prgf_2c_rightNoEnter right column body.

5.3 - 3 Columns

This is a paragraph type that will be used for implements a paragraph with 3 column.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Line Abovefield_prfg_display_line_aboveNoDisplay a line above the column.
Left Columnfield_prgf_3c_leftNoEnter left column body.
Center Columnfield_prgf_3c_centerNoEnter center column body.
Right Columnfield_prgf_3c_rightNoEnter right column body.
Paragraph Titlefield_prgf_titleNoEnter title to display at the top of 3 columns paragraph.

5.4 - 4 Columns

This is a paragraph type that will be used for implements a paragraph with 4 column.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Line Abovefield_prfg_display_line_aboveNoDisplay a line above the column.
First Columnfield_prgf_4c_1stNoEnter first column body.
Second Columnfield_prgf_4c_2ndNoEnter second column body.
Third Columnfield_prgf_4c_3rdNoEnter third column body.
Fourth Columnfield_prgf_4c_4thNoEnter forth column body.
Buttonfield_prgf_4c_buttonNoButton with link to display under 4 column paragraph
Paragraph Titlefield_prgf_titleNoEnter title to display at the top of 4 columns paragraph.
Paragraph Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoEnter description to display under the 4 columns paragraph title.

5.5 - All Amenities

Provide a paragraph with a table view shows list of Branches.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
All amenitiesfield_field_prgf_amnts_viewNoPredefined reference to a view to display all amenities.
Titlefield_prgf_titleNoEnter title which is going to be displayed on top of the paragraph.

5.6 - Banner

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the banner content.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineYesHeadline of the banner.Plain text, 255 characters
Colorfield_prgf_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Imagefield_prgf_imageNoEntityreference to media image. Single value.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoWYSIWYG field without summary.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that should store internal and external links.

5.7 - Blog Posts Listing

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest blog posts and utilizes exposed filters.

  • Location
  • Category
  • Text

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.8 - Branches Popup (All)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the locations selection popup, based on current node.

Relates to:

  • [Schedule search list](Schedule search
  • [Classes Listing](Classes


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.9 - Branches Popup (Class)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the locations selection popup, based on current node.

Relates to:

  • [Class Sessions](Class
  • [Class Location](Class


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.10 - Categories Listing

This is dynamic paragraph that renders all published categories according to current program page.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date(newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.11 - Class Location

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the locations class location view mode, based on url query parameter location with a valid id.

Relates to [Branches Popup (Class)](Branches Popup (Class).md).

  • When the page has a location parameter the Branches Popup paragraph will make an “Edit” link on this paragraph visible. That link triggers the Branches Popup to open.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.12 - Class Sessions

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the class session instances, based on url query parameter location with a valid id.

Relates to [Branches Popup (Class)](Branches Popup (Class).md).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

Displayed table

  • Location(should be displayed in case if &location=% not in the URL. Otherwise should be hiddedn.
  • Time + date
  • Registration(link)
  • Details
    • Online registration
    • Ticket required
    • In membership
  • Age Min - Max

Use cases

Use case 3: Class page WITHOUT location popup 3.1 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Class page WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Results should be filtered based on location from URL
  • In sidebar we should see location teaser

3.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL or Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Class page WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • Or I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Results should contain all branches
  • In sidebar we should see “All locations….”

Use case 4: Class page WITH location popup 4.1 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Class page WITH location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Results should be filtered based on location from URL
  • In sidebar we should see location teaser
  • Location is sidebar should have “Edit” link that will open location popup

4.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL or Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Class page WITH location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • Or I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Results should contain all branches
  • In sidebar we should see “All locations….”
  • Location popup should be shown (Unless only one location is associated with the class)

5.13 - Classes Listing

and classes listing filters

Classes Listing - should display all published classes grouped by activity.

Classes Listing Filters - this paragraph should disply filter form for “Classes Listing” with following fields:

  • Location
  • Program
  • Sub-program
  • Activity

Relates to [Branches Popup (All)](Branches Popup (All).md).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

Use cases

Use case 1: Classes Listing paragraph on a Program subcategory page WITHOUT location popup paragraph 1.1 Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should be predefined based on cookie
  • Results should be filtered

1.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should show “All”
  • Results should be shown for all branches

1.3 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Filter by location should show branch from URL
  • Results should be filtered

Use case 2: Classes Listing paragraph on a Program subcategory page WITH location popup 2.1 Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITH location popup on page
  • And I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Location popup shouldn’t be shown
  • Filter by location should be predefined based on cookie
  • Results should be filtered

2.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITH location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should show “All”
  • Results should be shown for all branches
  • Location popup should be shown

2.3 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Program subcategory page with Classes Listing WITH location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Location popup shouldn’t be shown
  • Filter by location should show branch from URL
  • Results should be filtered

5.14 - Code

Provide paragraph containing a Code block. Can be used to embed Youtube video for instance.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Codefield_prgf_code_blockYesBlock reference to Code block. Create a new one or pick up an existed Code block.

5.15 - Featured Blog Posts

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the featured stories.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineNoHeadline of the banner.
Blog Postsfield_fblog_postsYesMultiple values. Reference field to Blog posts.

5.16 - Featured Content

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the featured content.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineNoHeadline of the featured content.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that supports internal and external URLs.
Stylefield_prgf_grid_styleYesSelect list with following values: 2:2 items per row, 3:3 items per row, 4:4 items per row
Column descriptionfield_prgf_fc_clm_descriptionNoMultiple values. Textarea for the column with WYSIWYG, without summary.

5.17 - Featured Highlights

Provides a paragraph containing blocks of specific types positioned as 2, 3 or 4 blocks per row.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titlefield_prgf_titleNoParagraph title.
Stylefield_prgf_grid_styleYesSelect list with following values: 2:2 items per row, 3:3 items per row, 4:4 items per row.
Featured Highlights blockfield_prgf_block_ref_unlimYesCreate a new one or pick up an existing block of given types: Featured Highlight Block, Basic Block, Simple Block, Date block.

5.18 - Featured News Posts

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the featured news.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineNoHeadline of the banner.
News Postsfield_fnews_postsYesMultiple values. Reference field to News posts.

5.19 - Gallery

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the gallery content.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineYesHeadline of the gallery.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoWYSIWYG field without summary.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that should store internal and external links.
Imagesfield_prgf_imagesNoEntityreference to media image. Multiple values.

5.20 - Grid columns

This is a paragraph type that will be used for field_grid_columns the in Grid Content paragraph.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Descriptionfield_prgf_grid_clm_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Headlinefield_prgf_clm_headlineNoHeadline of the grid content.
Iconfield_prgf_clm_iconNoEntityreference to media asset. Should allow to upload svgs.
Icon classfield_prgf_clm_classNoInput field that allows to add the font-awesome icons needed. Description - “Provide a “Font Awesome” icon mane, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image Icon.”
Linkfield_prgf_clm_linkNoLink field that supports internal and external URLs.

5.21 - Grid Content

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the grid content stories.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Stylefield_prgf_grid_styleYesSelect list with following values: 2:2 items per row, 3:3 items per row, 4:4 items per row
Contentfield_grid_columnsParagraphGrid columns
Descriptionfield_prgf_grid_clm_descriptionNoTextarea for the description/body with WYSIWYG, without summary.
Headlinefield_prgf_clm_headlineNoHeadline of the grid content.
Iconfield_prgf_clm_iconNoEntityreference to media asset. Should allow to upload svgs.
Icon classfield_prgf_clm_classNoInput field that allows to add the font-awesome icons needed. Description - “Provide a “Font Awesome” icon mane, e.g. flag, car, info. Overrides image Icon.”
Linkfield_prgf_clm_linkNoLink field that supports internal and external URLs.

5.22 - Group Schedules

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the group schedules from GroupEx Pro.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and is configurable in form display.

5.23 - Latest Blog Posts

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest blog posts that are promoted to the front page.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.24 - Latest Blog Posts (Branch)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest blog posts associated with a branch.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.25 - Latest Blog Posts (Camp)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest blog posts associated with a camp.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.26 - Latest News Posts

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest news posts that are promoted to the front page.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.27 - Latest News Posts (Branch)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest news posts associated with a branch.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.28 - Latest News Posts (Camp)

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest news posts associated with a camp.

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.29 - Limited Time Offer

This Paragraph add limited time offer for Home Page based on Landing Page CT.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Subtitlefield_lto_subtitleNoEnter subtitle for Limited time offer.
Linkfield_lto_linkNoAdd link for Latest time offer.
Titlefield_lto_titleNoEnter title for the Limited Time Offer.

5.30 - Location finder

This is paragraph that renders the Location finder block.

Location finder block contains locations views displays with branches, camps and facilities.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Location finderfield_prgf_location_finderNoBlock reference to the location_finder block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.31 - Location finder filters

This is paragraph that renders the Location finder map with pins and filters.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Location finderfield_prgf_location_finderNoBlock reference to the location_finder block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.
Tags stylefield_prgf_lf_tags_styleYesTags style that will be used for map tags filter. Default - checkboxes. Second option is multiselect widget with checkboxes.

5.32 - Membership info

This is a paragraph type that will be used for field_mbrshp_info the in Membership CT.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Locationfield_mbrshp_locationNoSelect list with locations (branches). Single value.
Linkfield_mbrshp_linkNoLink field to provide the membership redirect URL.
Join Feefield_mbrshp_join_feeNoDollar value for how much someone has to pay to join.
Monthly Ratefield_mbrshp_monthly_rateNoDollar value for the monthly fee of the membership.

5.33 - Microsites menu

Provide paragraph containing a microsites menu block.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Menu Blockfield_prgf_block_refYesBlock reference to the view/block. Create a new one or pick up an existed menu block.
Hide Main Menufield_prgf_ms_menu_hide_menuNoWhether to hide or not the main website menu.

5.34 - News Posts Listing

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest news posts and utilizes exposed filters.

  • Location
  • Category
  • Text

It uses sticky at the top option and order items based on published date (newest at the top).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.35 - Program Registration (Daxko)

This is paragraph that renders the Programs Search Block.

Programs Search Block provides a form to search programs from Daxko.

Relates to: Daxko

Daxko & Program Registration (Daxko) configuration must be setup before the Program Registration paragraph will work.

Configuration setting at /admin/config/development/daxko/programs-search


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Program registration blockfield_prgf_reg_blockNoBlock reference to the programs_search_block block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.36 - Promo Card

This is a Paragraph type that will be used for the Promo Cards.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titlefield_prgf_titleNoTitle of the Promo Card.
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineYesHeadline of the Promo Card.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoWYSIWYG field without summary.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that should store internal and external links.

5.37 - Schedule search form

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the session instances filters for [Schedule search list](Schedule search


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

5.38 - Schedule search list

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the session instances, based on url parameters, and or filters from [Schedule search form](Schedule search

Relates to [Branches Popup (All)](Branches Popup (All).md).


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Blockfield_prgf_blockYesBlock reference to the view/block. Should have default value and should be hidden in form display.

Use cases

Use case 1: Schedule search list paragraph on a page WITHOUT location popup paragraph 1.1 Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should be predefined based on cookie
  • Results should be filtered

1.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should show “All”
  • Results should be shown for all branches

1.3 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITHOUT location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Filter by location should show branch from URL
  • Results should be filtered

Use case 2: Schedule search list paragraph on a page WITH location popup 2.1 Preferred branch is selected and no location in URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITH location popup on page
  • And I have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Location popup shouldn’t be shown
  • Filter by location should be predefined based on cookie
  • Results should be filtered

2.2 Preferred branch is empty and no location in URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITH location popup on page
  • And I don’t have a preferred branch
  • And I don’t have location=% in the URL
  • Filter by location should show “All”
  • Results should be shown for all branches
  • Location popup should be shown

2.3 Location in specified URL

  • When I open Schedule search list page WITH location popup on page
  • And I have location=% in the URL
  • We skip cookie whether is empty or exist
  • Location popup shouldn’t be shown
  • Filter by location should show branch from URL
  • Results should be filtered

5.39 - Secondary Description and Sidebar

This is a Paragraph type that will be used for the paragraphs with left (secondary description) and right (sidebar) blocks.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Left Columnfield_prgf_left_column_blockNoBlock reference to: Basic Block, Code Block, Date block or Simple Block. Create a new one or pick up an existed block.
Right Columnfield_prgf_right_column_blockNoBlock reference to: Basic Block, Code Block, Date block or Simple Block. Create a new one or pick up an existed block.

5.40 - Session Time

This is a paragraph type that will be used for field_session_time the in Session CT.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Date & Timefield_session_time_dateNoThis will use Drupal date/time fields & should be a single date field with ’end date’ and ’end time’ option enabled.
Daysfield_session_time_daysNoCheckboxes with following values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

5.41 - Simple Content

Simple Content is used for adding text to the pages.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Contentfield_prgf_descriptionYesWYSIWYG field without summary.

5.42 - Small Banner

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the banner content.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes
Colorfield_prgf_colorYesReference field for choosing the term from “Color” vocabulary.
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineYesHeadline of the Small banner.Plain text, 255 characters
Imagefield_prgf_imageNoEntityreference to media image. Single value.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoWYSIWYG field without summary.

5.43 - Social Post Listing

This is dynamic paragraph that renders the latest social posts that were imported from social networks.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titlefield_prgrf_sl_titleNoTitle for block with social posts.
Descriptionfield_prgrf_sl_descriptionNoDescription for block with social posts.
Social Listfield_prgrf_sl_blockNoReference to views block which select posts and show them as masorny grid.

5.44 - Social Share Icons

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the add social media share. See more How to configure AddThis


NameMachine nameRequiredDescriptionNotes

5.45 - Story Card

This is a Paragraph type that will be used for the Story Cards.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titlefield_prgf_titleNoTitle of the Story Card.
Headlinefield_prgf_headlineYesHeadline of the Story Card.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that should store internal and external links.

5.46 - Teaser

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the teaser content.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Titlefield_prgf_titleNoTitle of the Teaser.
Imagefield_prgf_imageNoEntityreference to media image. Single value.
Descriptionfield_prgf_descriptionNoWYSIWYG field without summary.
Linkfield_prgf_linkNoLink field that should store internal and external links.

5.47 - Webform

This is a paragraph type that will be used for the embedding webforms.


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Embedded Webformfield_prgf_webformNoEmbedded webform entityreference (select). Single value.
Default webform submission data (YAML)field_prgf_webform_default_dataNoYAML code for passing in default values to webform.
Webform statusfield_prgf_webform_statusNoStatus of webform on render. Radio with 2 options, open or closed (Closed prevents further submissions).

6 - Taxonomy

6.1 - Amenities

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding reference Branch amenities. We will use this for the Branch.

Machine_name: amenities

6.2 - Area

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding location areas on the site. We will use this for the Location Branch and Facility CTs.

Machine_name: area

6.3 - Blog Category

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding blog categories on the site.

Machine_name: blog_category

6.4 - Color

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding colors on the site.

Machine_name: color


NameMachine nameRequiredDescription
Namedrupal’s defaultYesColor name.
Colorfield_colorYesColor selector.

6.5 - Facility Type

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding facility type on the site. We will use this for the Facility CT.

Machine name: facility_type

6.6 - Media Tags

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding media tags that will allow you to structure your media assets library.

Machine name: media_tags

6.7 - News Category

This is a vocabulary that will be used for adding news categories on the site.

Machine_name: news_category