Decoupling components as independent modules


In 2019 the YMCA Website Services team started decoupling major components to streamline the distribution and simplify support.

Communication started in the Community Board - Ejecting modules from OpenY distro as independent projects.

The decoupling process is ongoing. See the index of decoupled projects.

In 2021 the YMCA Website Services core team faced coupling blockers in the distribution during the upgrade from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9

To formalize the ongoing development and maintenance strategy, the YMCA Website Services core team shared its decoupling plan with the wider community in mid-2021.

This document elaborates on those processes.



for creating a new decoupled component

  1. Create a new GitHub/ repository.
  2. Work on getting an initial release with at least beta version stability.
  3. Create a composer.json file for the component in order to be able to start using it via composer. See Virtual Y for an example.
  4. Make it available for the public via or as a release. Ensure podarok is added as a co-maintainer to the respective system.
  5. Suggest adding to YMCA Website Services by opening an issue.
  6. If approved, create a Pull Request adding it as a dependency in composer.json.
  7. Ensure this component is enabled in any of the packages maintained in the YMCA Website Services profile installation
  8. Ask for review and release, according to the release plan.

for decoupling an existing component of YMCA Website Services

Follow the steps above, but:

  • After creating the repo, filter the selected component by running git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter ... from the latest development branch of the YMCA Website Services profile. This keeps credits of work done for this component as a part of the Code of Conduct.
  • After separating the code, ensure the ejected code is not duplicated in the YMCA Website Services profile. Remove duplicated code in the same Pull Request in which you add the new dependency.


How to update module on

  • Git filter-branch to get a history of changes.
  • Change git origin to project.
  • Create a new branch and push the code to
  • Create and push tag to Create a release on
  • Update composer.json in this distribution with a new tag.

How to decouple module from YN to

Example: paragraph_skins

git clone decouple
rm -rf decouple_copy && cp -a decouple decouple_copy
cd decouple_copy
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter docroot/modules/contrib/paragraph_skins
git clean -dfx
git remote remove origin && git remote add origin
git pull origin 8.x-1.x --allow-unrelated-histories
# Resolve conflicts if applicable.
git push origin production:8.x-1.x
# Create tags and release on

How to decouple module from YMCA Website Services to YMCA Website Services Subprojects

Request a repository for the module. Example: shared_content_server

git clone decouple
rm -rf decouple_copy && cp -a decouple decouple_copy
cd decouple_copy
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter docroot/profiles/contrib/openy/modules/custom/SOME_MODULE_HERE
git clean -dfx
git remote remove origin && git remote add origin
git push origin production
# Create composer.json on the decoupled repository. Example:
git clone yn-distribution
# Update composer json for distrubution. See below

Example for Activity Finder


Last modified September 14, 2023: docs: Dev title cleanup (d4ecb84d)