3rd-party dependencies
YMCA Website Services’s system requirements generally track those of Drupal with some occasional more opinionated recommendations.
General Requirements
Supported versions may differ based on your Drupal version.
- A supported web server like Apache or Nginx
- A supported database server like MySQL or MariaDB
- A supported version of PHP
- A Linux-based operating system
- Ubuntu 16, 18, and 20 are supported.
- CentOS or similar may work as well.
Recommended for advanced functionality, but not required:
- Apache SOLR search server
- Version 4.9.1 and version 8 have been tested for Activity Finder. Other versions are works in progress.
For high load/performance sites
- A memory-based key-value store
- A reverse proxy/HTTP cache
See also Drupal’s recommendations for managing site performance and scalability.
For development
- Oracle VM Virtualbox
- Vagrant configuration manager
- Ansible configuration manager and automation
- Composer package manager
- Docker virtual environments
See our installation instructions for a full walkthrough of these tools.
Software libraries and frameworks
YMCA Website Services leverages many other open source frameworks including, but not limited to:
Last modified September 13, 2023: docs: Consolidate wiki and docs and add aliases to old paths (8592f32b)