Managing Footer LInks

Your standalone Virtual Y site may have a block with social media links at the bottom of the page. These links can be customized for many social media services.

Getting to the block editor

Your site may have a “Quick Edit” icon (a tiny pencil) that pops up when you hover over the section with the links. If so, click the pencil, then Edit.

A screenshot of the Quick Edit menu


If you don’t see the Quick Edit option, you can navigate to the block editor at Structure > Block Layout > Custom Block Library > Edit Footer Social Block

A screenshot of the menu sequeuence to edit Footer links

Editing the block

On in the Block editor you will see a Content field with links to your social media sites.

  • Add a new item to the bulleted list.
  • Select the text.
  • Click the link icon.

A screenshot of the Footer links content editor

  • Select text to link or double-click on an existing link
  • In URL add the link to the social media site
  • Edit the Title to something more descriptive
  • Open the Advanced section and update the CSS classes to select the correct icon. Be sure to copy the entire code below
    • Facebook: fa fa-facebook
    • Twitter: fa fa-twitter
    • YouTube: fa fa-youtube
    • Instragram: fa fa-instagram
    • Vimeo: fa fa-vimeo
    • Many other options.

A screenshot of the “Edit Link” dialog

When you are finished, Save.

Last modified October 6, 2022: docs(user): VY Footer Links (e78d9668)